DIMaC-EK System
The DIMaC-EK (Distributed Intelligent Monitoring and Control System) is a set of power devices integrated with a master system. It is designed to be installed on maintenance-free stations along railway lines and monitored from a single control centre.

The main functions of the system are:
- control of electrical heating (function EOR)
- control of external lighting (function SO).
DIMaC-EK gives the ability to build systems with a various scale of installation complexity and area size such as:
- number of switchgears and automatic control stations,
- railway location,
- management systems of stations, eg. in the framework of LCS (Local Control Center)
- management system of large regions, eg. area belonging to railway.
The DIMaC-EK meets the requirements for the railway equipment. The system has a perpetual approval of the President of Polish Office of Rail Transport and Polish Railways (PKP Polish Railway Company SA). The system has also a recommendation from the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers.
Devices of the DIMaC-EK System are made in accordance with the requirements of the latest normative document PKP Polish Railway Company ( “Guidelines for design of electric heating of switch points let-5”, Warsaw 2015)
- at the level of switchgears and automatic control stations ? communication is carried out with the usage of MODBUS-TCP or MODBUS-RTU in accordance with the KHA standard; it allows building an installation through connecting EOR switchgears from various manufacturers into a single system with a common MMI at signal box,
- at the level of communication between stations, from operator panels up to master controllers such as LCS or SMUE – the communication is carried out in accordance with the DIMNET-P5 and Modbus-TCP communication protocols (simultaneously using a single Ethernet interface).