The Ukrainian delegation visits WB GROUP’s headquarters

The Ukrainian delegation visits WB GROUP’s headquarters

On December 11, 2018, the official Ukrainian delegation, composed of the Deputy Minister of National Defence of Ukraine, Lieutenant-general Ihor Pavlovskyi and the representatives of the Ministry of National Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the Ukrainian association Ukroboronprom, visited the WB GROUP’s headquarters in Ożarów Mazowiecki. 

The guests met with the president of WB GROUP, Mr Piotr Wojciechowski and visited the WB GROUP’s production sites. The delegation also had a chance to get to know the solutions offered by the Group – from the training systems, reconnaissance and observation systems, through to the communication assets and the weapon control and strike.

WB GROUP has been cooperating with the Ukrainian partner for a number of years – the mini UAS FLYEYE have been serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces since 2014, the Polish concern salso developing several projects with the Ukrainian companies.

“We were pleased to welcome the Ukrainian delegation”commented the president of WB GROUP, Piotr Wojciechowski – “the visit demostrates the will of both parties  to urther strengthen the relationship and continue the joint projects in the future”.