Universal Artillery Calculator UKART – 2

The system may be used to calculate firing solutions for any type of armament used by the rocket and artillery units of the Polish armed forces, ensuring precise ballistic calculations. The system enables the imprementation of ballistic tables (electronic version) for different types of artillery shooting projectiles.
The key component of UKART-2 System is a specialised sowtware unified with the FCS TOPAZ System that had already been inducted into the Polish armed forces.
The System’s main features include:
Preparation of shooting and fire control using the ammunition implemented with digital ballistic tables;
Reception and memorization: co-ordinates of any combat artillery unit, weather data, ammunition data provided by ballistic tables, fire power and fire support coordination components data;
Reception and calculation of co-ordinates of targets and explosions
Calculation of topography, adjustment settings and target range measurements for each cannon / mortar / launcher firing position
Timer setting display
Adjustment settings calculations during firepower and effective fire attack.
Calculating results in order to set the auxiliary target
Use of control cannon data
Operation of various types of digital maps (e.g. CADRG, GeoTIFF, , MrSID, CIB, VPF/SHP, DTED)
Visualization of the tactical situation based on APP-6A standard symbols